About us

About us
Science Department is a unit of University Hospital of Split, operating under the Directorate. It covers the following activities:
Clinical trials

Science department has an active role in the process of clinical trials negotiations, with a clear role in a visible increase in number of signed contracts, placingthe hospital among the leading scientific medical organisations in the country.

Clinical trials are conducted with regards to all relevant legal regulations, with goals of obtaining data on new forms of treatment, new drugs, and new medical products. The trials are financed by contracting authority, giving the hospital income, which ensures a direct link between the systems of health and economy. 

Clinical trials have been conducted in our hospital for years, with a very good quality of researchers and research teams, who have participated in numerous trials of exceptional medical significance.

Directions for contracting clinical trials can be found here

Biomedical library

The main goal of our biomedical library is to support evidence-based medicine and research processes in and out of our institution.

We offer various services, such as thematic databases searches, full-text acquisition, bibliometrics / scientometrics, bibliographies, books and journals in English and Croatian, user educations, and any other information services our patrons may need. We regularly update the institution's current bibliography and acquisition bulletin.

Our Head Librarian is also the institution's administrator for several national scientific databases. Both of our librarians believe in life-long learning for everybody and are constantly developing professionaly in all the relevant fields. 

More on services and activities of the library can be found here

Secretary of the Ethics Committee

Medical ethics is an interdisciplinary area in systematic studying of ethical issues occuring in scientific research in medicine, as well as in nature, or the environemtn in which and with which humans live.

Science department continuously participates in preparing, disseminating, and archiving documents necessary in the decision-making process of Ethics Committee at the University Hospital of Split.

More information and directions can be found here.

Access to information official

Directions are available here.

Confidential person for internal reporting of irregularities

Directions can be found here.

Commissioner for the Protection of Workers' Dignity
Science and research projects documents

Aside from research, Science Department cares for the legal scientific status of individuals, units, and the hospital as a whole. The Department was of particular value for earning the hospital status of a clinical centre. Our hospital is registered as a science organisation, as well as health care and education organisation, and it's science activities are done through the Science Department.


A biomedical library was founded on the ground floor of the old City Hospital prior to World War II, thanks to donations from various doctors. In 1955 it was moved to the new hospital building on Firule, and in 1976 it was relocated to its current offices.

The Science Department was established in 1982, under the name Scientific Work Unit, later renamed to Scientific Word Department. In the same year, the biomedical library on Firule was attached to the Department. The military biomedical library on Križine was attached in 2000. Since then all the science and library departments form a single unit.

In 1994 the library and the entire department enroll in the project "Scientific information system", started by the Ministry of science and technology for the purposes of information dissemination and communication in the academic community. New technologies, especially computers, changed the face of librarian profession entirely: from storage and physical items circulation to bibliometrics, database suearches, bibliographies, and other information services.

Science Department published the journal Croatian Medical Annals (Hrvatski medicinski anali), from 1975 to 1995, when it was indexed in Excerpta Medica.

Throught our Department, the Hospital became a member of Croatian Academic Network (CARNet) on January 24th 1997, becoming the first public institution in Split with access to internet, and later on the first hospital in Croatia with a web site.

The office and reading room on Firule were remodeled from 2020 to 2022, within an EU project "Strenghtening capacities for efficient illness prevention in Split-Dalmatia county", as well as with our institutional funds, and generous donors Džaja villas, Medis Adria, and Addiko bank.

In July of 2022 Scientific Work Department changes its name to today form: the Science Department.

„For science is … like virtue, its own exceeding great reward.“
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), British writer

Prikaži šaltere
izv. prof. dr. sc. prim. Ljubo Znaor, dr. med.