
Ukoliko nas želite pohvaliti i iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom molimo napišite nam. 

Pohvala, S. C.
Objavljeno: -

Dear Emergency Department,

On April 4 I was ill and came to your emergency room in Split. I was diagnosed with pneumonia and spent overnight at an adjacent building that treats cardio and pulmonary patients.  I had excellent care.  The nurses, doctors and support staff were thorough and attentive in both the emergency room and the annex where I spent the night. I also want to thank the tall security guard who worked for Pit Bull Security.  He managed people getting in and out of the emergency room and into the back where medical services were being offered.  He took a lot of verbal abuse from patients and their families.  He as calm and caring.

As a U.S. citizen I did not know what to expect.  However, your services exceeded my expectations.

I wish I could return and thank each and everyone who helped me

Upon my return to the U.S. I had a slight relapse and went to an ER room in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am back on the mend and I again appreciate all the help you gave me while in Croatia.

A pleased client,

S. C., 23.4.2024.

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