
Ukoliko nas želite pohvaliti i iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom molimo napišite nam. 

Pohvala P. V.
Objavljeno: -

Dear Dr. Žeko,

I would like to thank you for your involvement in my recent case (appendix
surgery on AUG13, 00.30).

Thanks to your professional approach during the reception process I was
convinced very correctly that my hospitalization is the best thing for the
moment I can do and it indeed was. Although my case was not 100% appendix
apparent at the moment as I understand it, you diagnozed it and helped me to go
through the whole surgery process with your team.

All your staff were very helpful, proffesional and with high level of english
proffeciency. Hospital premises were nice, clean and pleasant to be in as much
as one can enjoy in situation like this.

I would like to thank you a lot, express my gratitude and let you know from now
on I will be an apostle of croatian medical profficiency and eligibility in
Czech as well as elsewehere in Europe when talking to other people about your
great medical treatment.

Thank you for you being there and helping people in cases like mine.

Stay very well,

P. V.

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