
Ukoliko nas želite pohvaliti i iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom molimo napišite nam. 

Pohvala, K.
Objavljeno: -

Dear Team,

my daughter E. was admitted to your hospital on Tuesday 17th September following a fall whilst on holiday in Split.  She encountered 3 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. I would like to thank all those involved in her care, operating on her so efficiently and overall making her feel so comfortable. Being in the UK and so far away this was an extremely difficult time for our family.  The reassurance from Ellysha of how she was being taken care of was very comforting for us. E. is now on her journey home with her Dad via bus, train and ferry and is expected home later today, for which I am so excited. Heartfelt thanks once again from all our family. Best wishes

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Vašu pohvalu možete predati i osobno na Protokol u Upravnoj zgradi KBC Split na Firulama, poslati poštom na adresu: KBC Split, Spinčićeva 1, 21 000 Split ili poslati elektroničkom poštom na adresu: office@kbsplit.hr