
Ukoliko nas želite pohvaliti i iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom molimo napišite nam. 

Pohvala, D.R.
Objavljeno: -

On the night of September 20 this year my husband suffered a severe diabetic incident and was taken by ambulance to the emergency room in Split from our hotel in Solin. He was immediately given the treatment he needed and after a few hours to make sure he was stabilized, he was released with reluctance by the doctors. I wanted to let them know that after that visit he was fine and had no further incidents; we continued our group tour as planned. Please accept our profound thanks for your care and concern! I know the doctors wanted him to stay around Split for a few days to monitor his condition but thankfully our gut response, to keep going, was correct. The advice by the head doctor, to alter his medications, proved correct and my husband seen his doctor here in Minnesota to continue his care.

Again, many thanks from grateful American travelers!


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